Story From a Client

July 4, 2023

Jana Princ of Wellness Balance Harmony
I am deeply touched, honored and grateful for receiving such a wonderful story to share. When I was diving courageously into this new adventure and chapter of my life, I was hoping and longing to support my clients so they can have a life altering and amazing experiences in the Harmonic Egg. So they can reach healing in the deepest levels of their beings – all possible with the help of beautiful frequencies. I hope you will enjoy reading this wonderful testimony. The story of one’s healing journey…….,

Here’s the story …
As I wander back further, and further in the memories of my past, I stop often at the places where the “sweetness” of life flooded me with color, solitude, sounds of nature, music, and vibration. Those places provided a deeply needed safety for my soul and comfort for my spirit.

So when Jana told me that she had a Harmonic Egg being delivered to her studio, I could feel the vibration of excitement and joy rise in me! Jana herself was so delighted and grateful at the grandness of the opportunity she had been given. She knew, and I knew, that she would be able to be of service in a way that so very deeply resonated with her! As I celebrated this amazing event in her life, I realized, deep down, that something was in store for me as well because of it!

Metaphysical experiences are not new to me and yet, each one is “new” in its own right. I so looked forward to my first sitting and immediately noticed how soothing it was and how at ease I felt, as well as how loved I felt! It was as if I was sitting in the womb of God ~ my Mother.

Being enveloped in that place of pure love carried me on a journey far beyond just sleeping better and experiencing an easing of long time physical pain. Jana’s Harmonic Egg, as well as her own intuitive wisdom, brought me to a place where a deep, deep pain that I had alternately loved and hated, begged me to see it for what it truly was! It was a group effort, for sure, but I don’t know if I would have ventured there without the love I experienced in The Egg. It loved me into a place where I was able to walk into the Love that the Universe had been holding for me forever until such time that I would be willing to hold it for myself.

I’m noticing the gifts of allowing The Egg to “have its way with me” on every level ~ physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, with there still being much to learn.

My gratitude is way, way, way beyond words.

Signed Lee K.